• Built based on years of learnings from introducing 200+ products, services, subscriptions and support offerings, leading all New Product Introductions at Palo Alto Networks

  • Cloud hosted software reliably deployed in AWS

  • White label implementation with your brand experience

  • Value based pricing - you pay us only after you derive benefits


Empower Your Product Managers

Pricebook to manage token pricing and exchange rate for every monetizable product, feature or service, with inbuilt mechanisms to change prices with effective dating and quote expirations. CoinTaaL supports all three token types: usage-based, time-based and subscription. Operationalize your cross-product trial strategy by offering your customers a trial token pool.

Tools for Your Sales Team

Out of the box quoting configurator to generate branded PDF quotes that can be directly shared with your customers. Your sales leaders can override standard pricing to offer customer-specific pricing that will be carried through the token consumption. In-built capability to offer a trial token pool to interested prospects. Email alerts for low token balance to prompt renewal and upsell purchases.

Delight Your Customers

CoinTaaL provides a comprehensive usage dashboard with your branding, so your customers have central visibility for all usage across your products and services. Customers can create token pools and subpools to distribute tokens across teams on CoinTaaL consumption platform.

Reliable Token Bank

CoinTaaL maintains your token bank with bank-like holds and settlements to maintain ACID properties of distributed token consumption. Easy to integrate APIs for product provisioning and usage reporting. Predictive product usage analytics to plan data center capacity.

For Your Business Teams

Out of the box integrations with CRM, accounting and reporting systems so that your business teams have what they need. Support for monthly and quarterly token usage reporting for revenue recognition.
